…inside the mind and books of CJ Moseley
Sway Table
Posted on Thursday, February 9th, 2017 at 17:30
Wyrd Tarot / Yarn Card Effect
No. of Targets
Extend Duration
Limit Duration
Yarn / Twists
Sway / Diff
Self | Wait | Play | None |
A Proficiency / Dice Roll (Facet) / An Umbral or nimbed effect |
Save (Chronolith) / Keep / Reroll / Record
Haze / 1 point of RT |
A target
An Action / Ordeal Phase
A century
Skill (Annex/Descendant)/ Nuisance (Extra) / Distract Wound (Ordeal Card of 2-4) / Card in play / Scale of 1 |
Gather / Find / Draw from top of Deck / Tremble Possession/ Trivial task (make a cuppa)
“Friend”/ “Crisis” | Lighting conditions / Emotional |
Part of a Room
Seconds / Ordeal Stage
A year
Any ongoing action / Card in Play (one atop a pile) |
Replace / Mundane activity (make a sandwich)
“Proficiency” / “Jam/ Parry/ Dodge” | Light Weather | Ordeal Round |
A just completed event / Card atop the discard pile | “Rally” / “Fast Talk” | Higher ground | A moment / up to 3 Ordeal Rounds |
Talent (Annex/Descendant) / Chorus (Extras) / Flesh Wound (Ordeal Card of 5-7) / Scale of 2 / |
Tug Possession / Simple task (cook a meal)
“Clue” / “Surprise” / A Low Stakes Ordeal | 1 point of GRT / Bad Weather |
A Room
Minutes (A short Scene /A quick Ordeal)
6 months
Memories (Key Proficiencies | Remember | “History” / “Stalemate” | Mild Retcon |
Power (Annex/Descendant)/ An Ordeal card / An unchronolithed moment / |
Read (Examine) / Simple Magic : Affect your own mind.
“Prop” / “Failure” | Equipment |
=Pips Reduced (+1-+4)/+2
+Pips of Ordeal Card/ Boon Reduced / +7
+Pips x2 / +14
Grunt / Trophy / Chronolith / Maiming Wound (Ordeal card of 8/9) / Bulmäs (Calf / Cub) / Scale of 3 |
Reload (Chronolith) / Puppet Possession / Easy Magic: “Conjuring” tricks, affect another’s mind
“Chi” / “Psst” / A Small Gain | Secretive |
A Floor
<8 hours (A long Scene)
3 months
“Safe Passage” /”Distract (Unsoakable)” | Focus |
Crippling Wound (Ordeal card of 10/J)/ Force of Nature (Extra) |
“Miracle” / “(Aggravate/Reduce) Wound” | First Time |
“Double Bluff” / “Charm” / “Handicap” / “Gun” |
Super-skill (Annex/Descendant) / Goblin (Lesser Dæmon) / Mortal Wound (Ordeal card of Q/K) / Mercari / Monolith / Location / Bulmäs Adult (Herd / Hunter) / Scale of 4 / |
Rough Possession / Medium Magic: Affect your physical form
“Smith” / “Plan” / “Double Score” / “Spot Hidden” / A Revelation |
Terrible Weather |
A building
Until Sunrise, sunset, noon or midnight (8-24 hrs)
6 weeks
Any part of the game based on a single Boon e.g. An Annex, A Handicap, Some Extras, etc | “Heal Wounds” / “Mage” / “Escape” / “Fear” | In the dark / unable to hear / Handicap triggered |
+Boon Reduced/ +4
+Boon / +13
+Boon Doubled / +26
Carnage Wound (Ordeal card of A/Joker) |
Complex Task (Astrogation, Goumet cookery)
“Ignore Wounds” / “Trap” / “Success” / “Death” | Luck |
Demon / Pact Descendant / Real Estate / Lesser Fæ / Bulmäs (Broccen) / Scale of 5 / |
Finesse Possession / Hard magic: Affect another’s form
Warp or Weft | Minor Narrative Issues |
A large building
A weekend, until moon changes phase.
3 Weeks
Solo / Grand Mercari / Province / Artefact / Bulmäs (Vermis) / Inactive Personality (or Unconscious mind) / Scale of 6 / |
Full Possession / Tricky Task (Learn a new language/ survive in a hostile environment)
A Moderate Gain | Hostile Environment |
A street / field /copse
Up to 7 days
10 days
+6 / Personality Boon Reduced
+21 / Personality Boon
+42 /Personality Boon Doubled
Dæmonlord / Greater Fæ / Bulmäs (Labyrinthion) / An active Personality (a conscious mind) / Scale of 7 | Eldritch Possession (Add Twisted Facet Skill Annex and Handicap) | A Medium Stakes Ordeal | Lost or significant problem |
A city block / village / small wood
Until next full / new / gibbous / crescent moon (<28 days)
5 days
+7 / Personality Boon Reduced
+26 / Personality Boon
+52 / Personality Boon Doubled
Scale of 8 | Preternatural Possession (Add 2 Twisted Facet Skills and Handicaps) | A Weft | Deadly Danger |
A small town or hill
A season
2 days
Scale of 9 | Supernatural Possession (Add 2 Twisted Facet Skills, 1 Twisted Facet Talent, and 3 Handicaps) | An Important Revelation | Narrative Issues |
A medium town or hill
Half a year
24 hours
Scale of 10 |
Really Hard Magic: Requires Low budget Special Effects in a movie (e.g. Wires, Double Exposure, Poor model shots, Static Illusions, etc)
A Large Gain |
A large town or wood
A year and a day
15 hours
Scale of 11 |
A High Stakes Ordeal |
Valley or Mountain
<3 years
8 hours
Scale of 12 |
Legendary Magic: Requires good budget special effects in a movie (In camera effects, Good model shots, Believable Illusions)
A Sub-plot Hook | Hellish conditions |
Small city
<6 years
4 hours
Scale of 13 | A Finale + Completion |
Long road, gorge, bay area
<12 years (decade)
2 hours
Most Characters regardless of Type or Scale | A Plot Hook |
Medium city or forest
<30 yrs (a generation)
60 mins
Large city or constituency
<1,000,000 (one million)
<60 yrs (a revolution)
30 mins
Epic Magic: Requires CGI effects and a huge budget
Small metropolis or county
<2,000,000 (two million)
A lifetime
15 mins
Major Narrative Issues |
Medium metropolis or small country
<5,000,000 (five million)
<200 yrs
7 mins
Large metropolis, state or colony
<50,000,000 (fifty million)
<500 yrs(a social epoch)
3.5 mins
Lesser Divinities |
Miraculous Magic: Summoning Eldritch Gods etc. Climax of a Blockbuster
Country, large island or state.
<100,000,000 (one hundred million)
A millenium
2 mins
<1,000,000,000 (one thousand million/ one billion)
An era
60 secs
Femite Technology | Extreme Technology |
A planet or moon
<5,000,000,000 (five thousand million/ five billion)
An age (~500,000 yrs)
30 secs
No No No No |
A ringworld or mini-system (Jovian moons)
<20,000,000,000 (twenty thousand million/ twenty billion)
~1,000,000 yrs
15 secs
Scene Dæmon | Impossible Magic: Impossible to replicate even with CGI | Unfathomly complex |
A Dyson sphere or solar system.
<100,000,000,000 (one hundred thousand million/ one hundred billion)
7 secs
Act Dæmon |
Multiple solar systems
<1,000,000,000,000 (one billion / one trillion)
A geological age (~37,000,000 yrs)
2 secs
Story Dæmon | Extreme Narrative Issues |
Interstellar Empire
(one thousand billion/ one quadrillion)
A galactic revolution (~230,000,000 yrs)
1 sec / 2 actions
Arc Dæmon |
Improbably Impossible magic: Cannot even be accurately described
(one trillion / one quintillion)
A billion years
1 action
Volume Dæmon |
Almost all
Billions of years
Half Action
Gods / Epic Dæmon |
God-like powers / Nullites
Extreme Retcon |
Galactic cluster
All bar one
The Universe / Cycle Dæmon | Rules Lawyer |
Patron Dæmons (Wyrd/Blakk) |
Even Gods Would Dream
Temporal Paradox |
All and all their alternates
All Alternate Histories and Futures
The Ref / Prime Anomaly |
The Worst |
All Times
Using The Table
Costs, and difficulties can be calculated from the effect required. In general you use the largest potential cost as the cost/Diff if there’s any doubt, but as always the Referee decides.
For example:
- To Force a reroll of a Mercari’s dice roll… Diceroll (+1), Mercari (+12) Reroll (+1)- So that costs 14 Chi or is diff 28
- Increase your Awe facet boon (assume Boon 13) by 1 (will also reduce the Anti-Facet Jeer Boon by one) Self (+0), Facet (+13) Chi cost =13 or Diff 26
- Save the game (creating a Chronolith event) for yourself. Self (+0), Save (+1) Chi cost = 1 or Diff 2
- Loading the Game (returning to a Chronolith event earlier this scene) Self (+0), Reload (+8), A few minutes ago (+5) = 13 Chi or Diff 26 (it should be noted that everyone else also returns to that Chronolith. Mercari etc also pay if they want to keep their memories of the reload.
- Save for the Party. save(+1) Pact (+16) Cost 17 Chi Diff 34
- Reload the Party’s last Chronolith. Reload (+8) Pact (+16) A couple of days(+12) Cost 36 Chi Diff 72
- Learn a Proficiency. Proficiency (+1) Self (+0) Cost 1 Chi Diff 2
- Flashback: Instantly learn a Proficiency (in the Past). Flashback (+6) Self(+0) Cost 6 Chi Diff 12
- Replace a Skill Descendant. Boon (+Boon) Skill (+2) Replace (+3) Cost 5+Boon Diff 2x Boon+10
- Summon an Nuisance Extra for hours. Boon (+Boon) Nuisance (+2) <8 Hours (+8) Cost 10+Boon Diff 2x Boon +20
- Alter own Power. Boon (+Boon) Power(+7) Self(+0) Cost 7+Boon Diff 2x Boon+14
- Create Mortal Wound at 30 metres. Mortal Wound(+12) 30 Metres Range (+30/+7/+2) Cost +42/+19/+14 Diff 84/38/28
- Puppet Possession of a Skill Descendant for a Scene. Skill(+2), Puppet (+8) Scene(+5) Cost 15 Chi Diff 30
It should be noted that Creating and Summoning Descendants and Characters may have additional costs