Introduction to the Facet Folio
Posted on Monday, March 18th, 2013 at 15:36
Each Facet has a number of properties that affect your character
If your Character has this Facet chosen as their Incarna then that is what they are made from. View Incarnas.
The Facet has a particular type of story associated with it. This is important to Solos and Referees, if this is your first time playing you can definitely ignore this for a while. View Quests.
The Facet has a particular style of story associated with it. This is a Referee and Solo thing, you can ignore it for a bit if you are reading this for the first time.
View Tones.
This decides how your Character should behave. You choose a Personality Facet to suit what sort of character you wish to play. For First time players you will definitely want to pay attention to the Personality, picking the right Personality for your character can be the making of a good game, nothing is worse than playing a Character that you have accidentally crippled by a bad choice of Personality. View Personalities.
Each Facet has a class of Handicaps associated with it. The Handicap is a negative aspect of the Facet that interferes with the Character in some way, but also helps to define them. First time players should pay careful attention to suitable Handicaps for their Character. The more Handicaps you give your Character, the more powerful they will be, Super Heroes, Gutsy Reporters, Holy men and women (of course), dark-lords, powerful enchanters, and hardened veterans all have large numbers of Handicaps, some more obvious than others. View Handicaps.
Umbral and Nimbed Effects
In T13 the characters Skills, Talents and Powers are called Annexes and are created by combining Proficiencies together. Skills don’t have Umbrals or Nimbeds. Talents may have Umbrals and Nimbeds, Powers almost always have a mixture of both. An Umbral Facet is a cost to activating the Annex but makes the Annex more powerful, causing it to roll a larger die. Nimbed Facets add abilities and special effects to Annexes. Umbral costs are usually based upon the characters Boon excluding any scale adjustment, but add value based on the scale adjusted Boon. Nimbed effects usually include the scale adjustment. View Umbrals and Nimbeds.
This is the type of attack that a Combat Power of this Facet would make. Some attack types can modify the standard results for Wound Daemons. These are noted here. View Attacks.
These are examples of Annexes, simple objects, Props or concepts that are associated with each Facet that can be bought with Sway. A Descendant is basically a free-floating Annex (see Descendants). View Descendants.
Types of Location associated with the Facet (Locations are a sub-type of Descendant). This is most important for Refs who use these lists to build adventures and give them ideas on how the Narrative should play out. View Locations.
This is another part of the Make up of the character and is chosen by the player. First time players should take time to pick a suitable Core for their character, either granting them additional Sway or an advantage under specific circumstances or allowing them an extra ability not open to those without that Core.View Cores.
Annex Root
What sort of Annexes are rooted in this Facet, in T13 all Skills, Talents, Powers that the Character has are based on a combination of two (or more) Proficiencies. One Proficiency provides the root Facet.
Annex Channel
What sort of Annexes are Channelled through this Facet. In the Combination of Proficiencies to create Annexes the other Proficiency decides the Annex Channel.
View Annexe Roots and Channels.
The Type of Monster associated with the Facet. Again the Monster is a manifestation of the Narrative that the Ref is working with, as a player you should be able to ignore this aspect of the Facet to some degree.View Monsters.