Full-time Dad, Half-term break
Posted on Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 at 12:10
Well it’s half-term again, and that means I’m entertaining the troops, cooking meals, refereeing arguments, answering daft questions about the nature of the universe and tickling — a lot.
This means I’m not writing Ironmaster this week, nor am I finding time to work on the T13 character generator (and haven’t started on any other play aids), and while I’ve had two short (and in one case I mean really short) story ideas, I haven’t managed to get either up in the cloud yet.
I have found some time for a little tinkering with some posts and some editing, but I haven’t the energy at the end of their day to face pulling out the laptop and doing some work.
Of course, this means that I’m suffering from some insomnia with so many ideas racing around my head, for example it was after 4:23 when I finally got to sleep this morning, so I doubt I’ll get any writing done today either. If I can catch up on sleep a bit tonight and my two don’t hijack my phone for games, then I might get a little writing done tomorrow.
Well at least that’s what I’m hoping. Writing with google drive and iOS6 is not as easy as it was back when I wrote the Paradox War 1st draft with google docs and a factory fresh iPhone 3GS, which as a web developer I find frustrating and annoying. This version of iOS is slower than any previous versions and on an old phone you really notice it.
My points being though:
- It’s half-term
- I’m knackered
- I’m not getting a lot done
- I need a new phone – or a Kindle tablet or iPad mini or something
- I don’t make enough in book sales to buy something like that
So help an author out this half-term and pop over to Amazon and buy the whole Paradox War Trilogy for Kindle for less than £7 or head to Lulu and buy An0ma1y in paperback (for a little less than £7). Or if you’ve already brought them, write a review on Amazon, GoodReads or on Lulu (or just tweet a link or something) and tell someone else how good you thought they were, or you could click and buy some cool merchandising from zazzle or donate a few pennies at the bottom of the sidebar.