First 2017 Update
Posted on Sunday, January 15th, 2017 at 20:30
Hello all,
well it’s a New Year, and so far it’s going a bit better than 2016 managed. I haven’t made any updates yet this year and thought I probably should. Firstly, Happy New Year to you (sorry it’s so late).
The dying throws of 2016 killed and condemned our heating boiler and since then we’ve had a new higher efficiency one fitted, that now warms our house beautifully (a miserably cold Yule was one of the reasons I haven’t posted much) but still needs a few finishing touches from a plumber before considered all fitted and finished (it has been a long and stupid story that I might include in a book one day).
Writing Progress
I’ve finished beta changes to Cyberpixies and I’m awaiting a proof copy for my kids to read and comment on (which may result in some changes). It’s the first book in a series of children’s adventure books, that combine Computer-science with fantasy, to create a sort of post-modern urban science-fantasy. Which will hopefully teach the next generation how computers work through analogies and metaphors, that they won’t even realise they are learning.
This beta edition is available if anyone else fancies trying the book before the last polish and e-book release (you’ll have to follow the links to my Lulu spotlight as it’s the only place it is available). Anyone else can go ahead and wait until the e-book comes out and the Paperbacks are available on Amazon, which will be when I do my big promotional push.
The 1st book in my “With Strange Aeons” Cthulhu-thriller series “The First Seal” is nearing completion (although one beta reader has said they thought one part was a little unbelievable/silly for a thriller – so there’ll be changes yet), so I’ll be moving to a proof Paperback copy (which mean’s cover design as well) quite soon and full release not long after that, with book Two “The Wrath of Atlantis” following .
Roleplaying and Worldbuilding
Anyone that plays the T13 RPG (there’s at least four of you!) should look at the recent changes that I’ve made to the system. We’ve recently been playing a Paradox Warriors world-building game and noticed a few little problems with the system. Mostly in the Card Ordeals so that’s edited and I’ve added a separate page on Ordeal Cards separating them out for clarity. Some of the Attack types are re-balanced (with significant changes to Explode and Snare attacks). I also corrected a few mistakes in other parts of the text, and improving clarity throughout. Leave me comments if anything is still looking too mental.
I’ve been thinking about moving the Possession Pact out of being a Twist only thing, but it needs some thinking about and balancing. Let me know what you think on Possession being a Sway based thing and not Twists.
In Other News
In gaming news, Sony seem to have finally de-blacklisted our IP address and we can all play multiplayer PS4 games (which makes the boys very happy) and I’m able to Twitch (not that I ever did) or Share stuff again from there. I might even get back into playing “No Man’s Sky”, since it’s had some exciting updates since I lost connection. You’ll find me as MoseleyClan about the place (one of the boys has even appeared in a let’s play video somewhere with my account). This hasn’t yet affected my writing time yet, but may in the future…
Meanwhile over at the Time Travel Nexus, I’ll be continuing my Popcorn Paradoxes posts, next up being the Bill & Ted franchise, which this year should see a bodacious third entry being released. I’ll try to keep the post non-heinous.
Well, that’s it. I’ve got things to get on with. (C;