Update and slow down…
Posted on Thursday, July 26th, 2012 at 01:25
So the school holidays are on top of us, the new English season of Wetter has replaced Summer, and the heat is now gathering to make Wetter into Muggier… All of which raises issues as to when and how I get to write and blog, edit a book and all those sundry Father jobs that two sons create.
I finally have a business bank account and have decided to sell a homebrew version of An0ma1y on Amazon Select as soon as possible. Which will probably be early September… Any money this raises I will reinvest in the book, probably getting a professional editor to repaint my purple prose and herd my commas into sensibility.
Toward this end I’m looking for Proofreaders willing to help me address the worst errors and help me come up with an appealing amazon description (or rear jacket blurb). If you’re interested in helping out drop me an email, or direct tweet telling me what format you’d like it in, and as soon as I can I’ll get you a proof copy to read.
Anyway since the “Summer” holidays aren’t going to let me do a lot of writing and are going to produce a lot of Tumblr spam, so I’m unhooking Tumblr from this blog. It will make the Blog a little more stable, but less upto the minute. Consider it a step toward a more professional looking site. I might even pull a redesign or two out of my web development history and make this site more of a work of art… But I wouldn’t hold yer breath. Tumblr blog and twitter nonsense will continue unabated, but I’ll thrash this Blog a lot less.