oldschoolfrp: adventuresandshopping: As a lover of older…

Posted on Sunday, October 14th, 2018 at 14:19
oldschoolfrp: “adventuresandshopping: “As a lover of older systems, I’m finding Chaosium’s Basic Roleplaying a real joy to read. The settings potential is truly inspiring. Time to mix up some genres! ” A PDF of the BRP Quick-Start rules can be...



As a lover of older systems, I’m finding Chaosium’s Basic Roleplaying a real joy to read. The settings potential is truly inspiring. Time to mix up some genres!

A PDF of the BRP Quick-Start rules can be downloaded free from Chaosium’s website.

Ooh, it’s a cut down version of the CoC rules!

Reblogged from CJMoseley.tumblr.com. I do not claim to be the copyright holder, or to insure links are maintained…