Okay kids where did you leave 2013
Posted on Tuesday, December 31st, 2013 at 13:41
Well here we are, it’s New Year’s Eve and another year of blogging has shot by as though launched from a temporal cannon.
It was a year when I got more hits in one day, thanks to Reddit, than I had had up to that point, and then took more abuse in the Reddit comments than was strictly necessary — it seems Reddit Users still use Firefox and don’t like hearing that its a slow and buggy piece of crud, geeks sometimes get Tech inertia it seems.
2013 was a brilliant year in someways, I got a real print copy of An0ma1y out on Lulu, and have even signed a copy or two in person (a very weird sensation), and I hope to get physical books out of the other two books this next year. It was also the year that complete strangers said nice things about my books on Amazon, and I was described as a “Cult Indie author” by one fan, which was amazing, and another fan/fellow indie author sent me a kindle fire so I could overcome the limitations of writing a novel and running a blog on a 2009 smartphone.
I’ve been working on my next project too and “Ironmaster” is creeping up in word count, in the next year I hope to concentrate on writing it and get it out, health and kids willing.
2014 is going to be a big year for me, as I turn 40 in the Summer, a terrifying prospect, but still better than the alternative. To celebrate this “life begins” moment we promised the kids we’d take them on an aeroplane this year (we haven’t had a travel holiday since before they were born) although we are still trying to decide on a destination (probably in the EU due to financial constraints unless you guess suddenly shoot me to the top of the international best-seller lists… maybe Germany/Ireland/Finland as we have friends or family in those countries), plus we’ve actually got other holiday commitments this year! Most years we don’t take trips, this year we seem to have 3 planned, although so much travel will cut into my writing time so don’t expect too much activity here on the blog on science and Sci-Fi as it will probably morph into a travel blog for a bit, as I’ll be concentrating on dark faery tales in a Steampunk Britain…
Speaking of Ironmaster (I was too!) the backstory game will finally be happening again on Friday (I hope), so I will have to reread my notes from the start of last month (that I wrote while feverish) and see what can be done to make them playable, to keep that world building adventure going.
All of which means that there won’t be a science in science-fiction post tomorrow, but I might do one later in the month, I have a few ideas for them that will probably escape from my mind as writing around a single thing is a fast way to writer’s block and I may need the break from time to time, just don’t expect them to be regular or anything.
Is that it? Yeah I think so, except to say that I hope to be a little more social media conscious this year, and make some new friends along the way, after all Life as an British Indie (and Cult apparently) Author is just beginning. I might even get a new phone…