Terminal 13 character generator
Posted on Wednesday, October 30th, 2013 at 18:14
This week I have been splitting my time between writing Ironmster first drafts and writing a T13 character generator plugin.
It’s all been slightly mad as I didn’t have much of a plan when I started, but it’s coming together finally (although at the moment I still haven’t implemented multiple Twists or finished Annexes and Descendants yet)
Meanwhile I have been using my new Kindle Fire HD to write a first draft of Ironmaster on Google drive (or docs? Google Don’t seem to be able to decide). It works really well, but Amazon’s predictive text is even worse than Apple’s (I don’t even know how that is possible) and doesn’t seem to learn new words very easily (and seems to hate apostrophes with a vehemence bordering on the psychopathic), but I’m getting there with it now.My biggest problem is that the built in keyboard doesn’t include a m-dash (&smash;) which isn’t much of a problem, either that or the kids trying to hijack the Kindle to play “Empire 4 Kingdoms”, either way not much of a problem.
Actually quick question to other bloggers, my Gravatar has become my LinkedIn picture because of one of the recent upgrades, but I can’t find a control to change it back, weirder still all the graveyard options (retro/monster/etc have also turned into the same image, which is weird) any thoughts anyone?
Friday night is game night, so I’m going to focus on the character generator plugin for the next 48 hours or so… I have a plot dæmon all ready and waiting, which I’ll post later.
Till then see us folks