Half-Term Hiatus
Posted on Sunday, February 16th, 2014 at 21:45
So its the school holidays again, and I have to hang up my notebooks, pens, laptop, iPhone 3GS (yeah still) and Kindle Fire HD (with the Google Drive App crowbarred in) to entertain that most impossible of audiences, my kids.
Hopefully, there will be lots of fun had, and I’ll not be so exhausted by the experience that I’ll be able to work twice as hard to catch-up come the 24th. So any messages, comments, tweets, emails or pigeon post responses will begin then.
Then I’ll be able to finish up the steampunk extravaganza that is ’Ironmaster‘ although I’m increasingly thinking that I can come up with a better title for launch. Hopefully I’ll have the first-draft finished by the Easter holidays… ready for an Autumn launch, I hope…
Until then you’ll just have to reread The Paradox War trilogy – go on its really good, and gets better with each reread apparently (according to the Author’s wife, individual results may vary).