Been a while: Shameless Promotional post

Posted on Friday, September 21st, 2012 at 12:21

It has been so long since I tumbld! I’ve been busy, finishing up An0ma1y and getting all the images and so on ready for Amazon. But finally that’s all finished. Now I have the dubious honour of trying to promote my own work. Which is a much harder task for me than the original writing. 

I have no fan base to promote the stuff for me, because its just my first book, and no publisher to sink a few thousand into advertising, its just me and my iPhone most of the time. So all in all I’d much rather ditch promotion and get writing the next one in the series, but if I did that I wouldn’t get any sales at all. So this is me promoting my book… Kind of…

An0maly: When Desi, a twenty-something sci­ence gradu­ate, can’t get to sleep one night the last thing she expec­ted was for the TV to explode, for her to get abduc­ted by ali­ens or to get drawn into a tem­poral war that some­how is prob­ably her fault. Dur­ing her adven­tures we also fol­low the pro­gress of two other very dif­fer­ent com­batants also drawn into this war. One is Garner a half-fey, half-human wiz­ard work­ing for a mad machine-god and the other is a mem­ber of a spir­itu­ally rich spe­cies of shape-shifting trav­el­lers, that call them­selves the Bul­mäs, but that Desi knows by a host of other names.

This is a story with UFOs, ali­ens, time-travel, magic, faer­ies, shape-shifters, were­wolves, time-slips, tarot, nan­o­tech­no­logy, femto­tech­no­logy, weapon­ised tem­poral para­doxes, altern­ate uni­verses, fate, space-craft, arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, cyber­wraiths, myth­o­logy and dreams…

as the reviewers would have it.

Do your self a favour, clear your diary and read this book. I feel richer for reading it and I’m sure you will be too.”

There’s humor throughout but there’s a cynical glint in the author’s eye, I suspect, as his heroes are human in their failings if not in their genetic makeup.”

Find all my books on kindle (and DRM free for ePub readers) here