"According to De Franco, it is only a logical step that a series of tones can be output from your…"
Posted on Monday, July 23rd, 2012 at 09:47
“According to De Franco, it is only a logical step that a series of tones can be output from your brain to a device. “It will free up a lot of people from their shy selves to a more expressive group,” he says. If there is a chance that brainwaves can be read to output music, then the problem of being tone-deaf as a singer could become a thing of the past. “A lot of people hear songs in their head and have no skill or technique to express it so another human can understand,” says De Franco. “It doesn’t mean it’s not a beautiful sound. People are working on ways of getting that out onto a score, or via electronics. But I’m not talking about a learning curve to play another instrument, I’m talking about one-to-one output to get it out of your head.”
Taking music directly from the minds of new musicians could mean a lot of new noises that had been difficult to express through traditional instrumentation and skills.”
– We Will Play Music With Our Minds, Says Pioneer Vince De Franco (via thenextweb)