This week…
Posted on Sunday, May 20th, 2012 at 15:48
So this week I’m going to try and concentrate in 3rd draft for Culture Bomb and Web of Wyrd…
I have a sixty day trial of Word and will bash through corrections with that much faster than the old iPhone and Google Docs method that I wrote first draft in.
For the record, second draft was mostly a google docs and laptop deal- better than an iPhone, but still without the kind of spelling and grammar checking that a dyslexic such as myself generally needs…
“Why did you work that way?” you may ask…
Well I could say that I did it to prove that you could, or because I was trying to avoid Microsoft, but that wouldn’t be true- the simple fact is I used google docs because it was free, and I am skint. I used an iPhone because back when I started, it actually worked, before apple improved iOS too much, and because I was herding kids between sentences. The phone made it convenient to work from home, or the park, or the shops, or wherever I happened to be pushing a pushchair.
But this week I’ve got Word 2010 on a sixty day trial and will bash out the third draft- still without MS seeing one red cent of the money I don’t have. But I don’t think I’ll write any more novels from my 3GS it’s getting too flaky as iOS “improves” to make my phone too slow to respond to even allow typing in a WordPress editor.