Am writing… Update
Posted on Sunday, July 12th, 2015 at 13:51
I’ve been a bit remiss on this blog, since I got Ironmaster launched.
Partially this is because I have had a stinking cold (hate summer colds- hacking up a lung is my least favourite way to wake up to sunshine), but it is also because I’m working on Lulu ebook versions of the Paradox War trilogy. Where I am hoping to make An0ma1y completely free (in the hopes of capturing a few new readers for the trilogy and maybe my other books).
Of course, that’s not all I’m currently working on, I’m about halfway through the 1st Draft of a genre-melding novel that I’m hoping will be the first in a series of books that will blend the ‘Cthulhu Mythos’ of HP Lovecraft (and others) with the Conspiracy Theory laced Thrillers from the likes of Dan Brown. So it will be a Cthriller, I’m calling it ‘The Sextile Conspiracy‘ and the Series ‘With Strange Aeons‘ at the moment, until a better title emerges. Actually, ‘Cthriller‘ might work…
I’m trying to keep this work cinematic and punchy, using short chapters and less verbiage than I normally invoke (and certainly requiring a smaller vocabulary than the eldritch scratchings of Lovecraft’s style- Squamous? No thanks).
I’m still planning and world-building the ‘Adaption Files‘ YA novel sequence (which keeps growing and evolving itself as we play T13 games in its universe) so I’ll start in on that after I’ve finished the 1st draft of ‘The Sextile Conspiracy‘ – then I’ll alternate those books for a while, at least that’s the plan.
If ‘Ironmaster & Other Tales‘ suddenly gets big then I’ll start work on one of the pre/sequel to that, ‘Tales of The Great Wars’ which is bubbling away in the background and would fill in more of Hoxton’s backstory and the Third War with Mars.
I have another couple of potential sequels including one that follows ‘The Magpie’ on its adventures into deep space and beyond, and a ‘Theriocephalic League’ novel that would follow Fiona Talbot’s life working in MERU 3.
When you’ve read ‘Ironmaster & Other Tales‘ drop me a line and let me know whether you want more of that universe.
Well, I think that’s all for now, I’ll try an schedule some reblogs and things so the blog has some daily activity in the near future, TTFN
Posted from my Phone so…