Announcing Ironmaster & Other Tales
Posted on Monday, June 22nd, 2015 at 15:23
It is with great pride, and an overwhelming sense of accomplishment that I am finally able to say that ‘Ironmaster & Other Tales‘ is now available to buy.
That’s over 600 pages of steampunk science-fiction and dark fairytale fantasy blended to perfection, that you can download to a eReader or order in paperback form. You can find out more about the story, and the book’s distribution, here.
As my avid reader, you will already know that I’ve been working on this Steampunk Fairy-tale seriously since the Summer of 2013, and it’s finally reached a point where I am happy to release it (for any given value of happy – but I need to start making some money on this two-year project soon!). So if you want that priceless 1st edition feeling you’d better act soon, as who knows when I’ll find an error in my copy and have to update the book!
At the time of writing this post ‘Ironmaster & Other Tales‘ is available from in Paperback and Epub (for ebook readers) with other shops and types to follow as Lulu distribution catches up, and the book is approved for other markets (so it might take a while before you can buy it for Kindle or from Barnes & Noble, but I’ll let you know when it becomes available – or at least when I know its available).
Over the next few days and weeks I will be creating adverts and promotional materials for Ironmaster, which will hopefully include a video book trailer and some other goodies… Perhaps some of my Beta readers would like to start the ball rolling with reviews on Lulu or Goodreads, and help me get noticed.
So watch this space or better yet, sign up, and never miss a post [jetpack_subscription_form]