Science in Science Ficition
Posted on Wednesday, February 27th, 2013 at 17:36
As part of the new look site (which is coming soon login for a sneak preview) I’m going to try to add a new hopefully monthly feature about science in science-fiction, where I will look at commonly used and abused science in science fiction stories, books and movies.
Basically these posts are my thoughts and research notes that I used in my writing, jazzed up and posted so that you may enjoy them. I probably should warn you that they might get pretty long and in some cases (obviously) quite science heavy, although I hope that the tone will be light enough for an enjoyable read. In the posts I’ll include images and ideas from movies and books, where possible with a link to where you can get your hands on the inspirational item.
The first one on Time Travel & Temporal Paradoxes will be posted on the 1st of May 2013, and then you’ll be able to see what I’m on about.