Summer Holiday lack of admin blues
Posted on Monday, July 29th, 2013 at 11:19
Currently I’m away from home on what we Brits like to call a Summer Holiday (other English speaking nations may use other words like Vacation, but Holiday, extending as it does from Holy-day is the British term) which means that I’m running the website from my iPhone.
Normally this is not an issue, but the WordPress App seems to have a problem at the moment. It won’t manage to Reblog any posts, and is generally behaving like an arse (which is a bit like an ass only it isn’t also a donkey), all of which means that this post may be the only post of this week. Although hopefully my Science in Science-Fiction post should automatically occur on Thursday (which is also my Birthday), but if it doesn’t then it will be next week before it gets fixed.
I’m also not writing this week so there will be no updates about Ironmaster, or my new 2 short stories (which are almost ready to publish – if anyone else would like a preview send me a message, tweet or email and I’ll send you a copy to peruse and abuse when I can).
So, until I’m back in Liverpool… no reblogs and probably no other “new” posts, until then.