What the Kindle Fire is going on?
Posted on Thursday, October 24th, 2013 at 12:05
I just had the largest surprise I’ve had since I started writing.
You may remember that I was moaning how my phone and google drive were no longer the best of friends that they had been during the days when I wrote the Paradox War. You know this post...
I wrote that you could help me out by buying my books, some of my merchandise or donating (I’m not proud and have got kids to feed). In the wild hope of being able to earn enough cash to buy a tablet or something.
Someone, who I’m going to keep anonymous for their own sake, but who did me the mighty honour of reading the first draft of the first few chapters of the Paradox War years ago and said, “That is good,” and generally encouraged me along this path, read that post and blooming sent me a 7″ Kindle Fire HD.
It just turned up with a little slip saying,
“Couldn’t stretch to an iPad mini. Hope it does everything you need. Now- I believe someone has writing to do? Well?”
So, here I am writing on the Kindle and feeling like I have the best friends (and fans) in the world. Now back to working on ‘Ironmaster‘ as soon as I’ve configured this tablet. I may have a little cameo in store for someone. 🙂
Thanks to everyone who did go buy one of my books or tee-shirts, or who went and reviewed one of my books, or just tweeted a link, but special thanks to the person who blew a wodge of cash making my day/week/ … I would say month, but I had my twelve year wedding anniversary early this month’… / and year!