Illness again

Posted on Wednesday, January 22nd, 2014 at 14:57

Yet again just as I am in the throes of writing Ironmaster I am struck down by illness! First it claimed my eldest resulting in me being up to 5:30am on Tuesday nursing a puking 8 year old, and then I caught it too.

We both agree that being sick is no fun at all. Although the worst of the stomach cramps have now passed, I still have to entertain my Eldest as the school has a no-returns policy for 48 hours.

Hopefully he’ll be back at school tomorrow and I’ll be able to finish the Steampunk short story “Cheirosyphon”, which should firmly reassert the Punk in Steampunk. In a literal musical sense in this case as Cheirosyphon is the name of a band.

I’ve really been enjoying writing this book… it’s more a collection of vaguely collected shorts than a true mosaic novel at the moment, which has lead me to wonder about the name, but I’ll see how I feel about it after I’ve written the title piece (it’s meant to be the longest story, a novella in fact), but some of the other Stories have got great Titles in their own right.
“Cheirosyphon”, “Beneath the Burning Sky of Bedlam”, “The Death of Dangly Dan”, “The Beast In The Rock”, “Cognoscenti” and I still have more to write.
This is probably going to be a big book- but, unlike the Paradox War, I am not going to split it up. I’ll just charge more for a truly epic read, I think.

Well that’s the update, I should also probably start thinking about the next instalment of the Ironmaster game too… hmm… that Cognitive engine the party are building really needs some programming and some taboos…

EDIT: So much for that plan, youngest Moseley has exploded all over his bed this morning, poor little guy. He still wants to go to school though, and is throwing a mini-strop about having to stay home and watch cartoons (yeah he’s one of THOSE kids). No writey today, I guess.